Volunteer with us
We are always recruiting awesome people to work with us!
There are many roles that allow you to make a difference in the community by using your unique skills. We are currently looking for community members to join our Pride Planning Committee. To find out about the next meeting email us at info@timminspride.com. Everyone is welcome!

Our Board of Directors
President Matthieu Villeneuve
Treasurer Julie DeMarchi
Secretary Robert Litwin
Director at Large Sophie Cloutier
Director at Large Jamie Deschene
Director at Large Kris Guay
Director at Large Kat Kelly

Become a Member of the Board
Click on the icon to the left and download the application. Email the application to info@timminspride.com.
All applications will be considered by the board and responses will be given after the following board meeting. New board members typically begin after the Annual General Meeting that occurs annually in April